Wednesday, August 24, 2011

School is coming, school is coming!

I've been off work now for three weeks.  I'm getting some great sleep, I'm getting my house organized and I'm doing a lot of cooking and reading.  It occurred to me Monday morning that I should probably create some kind of schedule for myself and the kids each day - or maybe get up before 8 am.  School is coming and we are all going to have to get up at 7 am soon and get out the door by 8:15 am.  It's going to be a shock to their little minds, and mine.  We have all of our school supplies and we are counting down the 14 days until school starts.  Since I was feeling motivated and all scheduley on Monday, I got up at 7:45, did some research on the internet, got the girls to clean their rooms and did a few loads of laundry.  The one thing we do every evening is go outside from 6:30-8pm and play with the kids on the block.  They ride bikes, go to the playground and play hide and seek while the other moms and I hang out and chat about our To Do lists. 
 Things still left on our summer fun list include - a second visit to Cedar Park Resort, a visit to Ontario Place, a bike ride at a local conservation area and camping overnight - just me and the girls - at a nearby Provincial Park.  There are a few other things I'd like to do with the girls this year - but I think I'll wait until cabin fever sets in around February to visit Science Centre, Casa Loma and the Royal Ontario Museum

We've already had a great summer but it feels like it will all be over before we know it.  Maybe getting up earlier won't be so bad - it will mean some extra time to myself and a longer day of fun.  What is your summer looking like?

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